Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


One thing I knew really early on was that I did not want to expose my son to unnecessary chemicals, where possible! I took this back to not even getting any hair colouring in the 12 months prior to his conception!

So during my pregnancy I did all I could to create a happy, healthy home and only applied organic cream to my belly which I have to say worked wonders.

I know some think that genetics etc plays a big part in who gets stretch marks and who doesn't, but all I know is that I started using the cream twice a day from 10 weeks onwards and by the end I was huge!!! HOWEVER I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE STRETCH MARK - not a sliver!

Having seen such great results on myself, I obviously had no concerns using the baby organic products on my son! They smell great, go on well and are from ONEgroup - the makers of the world's first Certified Organic skincare, haircare, personal care, health care and cosmetic products, which are independently certified to international food grade standards.

I use everything in the range! The bottom cleansing gel is great at change time and does not require any rinsing and so we can use re-useable cloths as wipes and avoid landfill waste as well as not applying chemicals to my son's brand new skin! Both the baby lotion and the barrier balm are great on my son's face when heading out in our chilly winter weather, without them his cheeks would get rather dry!

Totally fabulous! www.organicallyfabulous.com

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