Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amazing Amber

Gooooooooooooooood morning!

Now it is only day one - but so far I am happy! We picked up our baltic amber necklace from our post box and last night after bath time, my little cherub had blazing hot cheeks and a downward smile. :(

I popped on the necklace (receiving some dubious comments from my hubby), I doubled checked that it fit well enough, would not get caught on anything and of course he could not reach to get it into his mouth and then put him to bed.

When he is feeling on top of the world my angel goes to bed somewhere between 6.15 and 6.45, after 45 minutes wakes up once, after a diaper change he then sleeps through the night. Which is why when (like for the last week) he is out of sorts and wakes 3, 4 or more times through the night - both he and I are tired and occasionally cranky the next day!

All I can say, as it is only the next morning - is ta dah! He slept through from his change and woke up happy and rested as did I and it is wonderful. The heat in his cheeks has gone down and so far there is no acidic smell coming from his diaper. (Possibly as a cloth diaper user I would be aware of it more than with disposables, however it has gone away so far.)

For a fully objective review of these wonderful necklaces - I will of course give it more time, but I'm convinced so far! If you want to try it out for yourself, whether it is for teething or any one of the other benefits of these necklaces - there is a link and a 10% discount code on the right hand side of the blog!

If I could cartwheel ... I would do so right now!

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