Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Longhaul Lullaby

Well - what can I say, I had planned to write a helpful article with helpful advice on travelling with a baby.

I'm sure I still have some helpful hints, but at the end of the day our little boy was a perfect little jetsetter!

We had all the little details thought out, food and diaper supplies, some favourite toys and as it was a night flight we had a story book. Whilst it meant some uncomfortable positions for us to sit in we held our little one who probably on and off slept for 5 of the 7 plus hours of flying.

About 20 minutes before take off and before making our descent we gave him 1ml of baby tylenol, which may or may not have helped! On the way down I kept his soother in his mouth (normally only part of his bedtime routine) and the sucking action may have also helped - as we both felt the pressure in our ears.

We were lucky that he was great and bore the journey very well. I sadly do not have any advice on how to hold a baby and eat plane food - so many attractive little plastic dishes for a baby to play with!

By the power of a few cat naps during the first day we were able to keep his body clock roughly on track which made settling down at our destination so much easier!

All I can say is we were lucky, we can only hope for an equally manageable journey home, watch this space!

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