Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Soother/ pacifier - weaning solutions!

On my ever increasing to do list is to write a piece on soother weaning, however I have just read the perfect one that cover's everything I was planning to say!

So thank you to Circle of Mom's! You can read it via the link here or pasted below, with some thoughts from me.

For us - we have only offered the soother for the sleep and if he is not bright as a button upon waking then for the first 5 minutes and I just carefully sneak it away whilst introducing a toy or drink. Dad is more of a grab and go guy - which works for him!

I'd thought we'd wean by 1 year - just based on my dentist's advice, but then with teething and a few bugs we are now approaching 14 months and working on teeth 13-16 in one go, we've let it carry on. At first I was bothered by this until I thought about it, he really only uses it for 5-10 minutes whilst falling asleep and if he re-wakes in the night. So his exposure over the last year has been minimal, he lets us take it without a fuss - so it's not yet too big a 'crutch'. I am hoping after he gets these next 4 teeth in we will get a break for a few months and can choose a route from the below ideas for weaning.

I'd especially like for him to be used to not having it before the fall and baby two's arrival! One thing that has helped us in the night - or at least helped him is his SweetDreams soother blanket!

I liked all 6 of the tips below and can imagine that for us snip the tip may be the best one to get him to lose interest! Will report back - hopefully in a month or so!

1. Snip the Tip
One of the most popular pacifier weaning tricks is cutting off the pacifier’s tip. After the ability to suck is removed, many children quickly lose interest. Try telling your child that the pacifier is broken, and let her throw it away. If the initial snip doesn’t do the trick, moms like Christina M., a mother of one son, suggest gradually cutting off more of the pacifier: “I tried cutting the end of the pacifier off a little bit every few days until there was nothing for him to suck on, and then he didn’t really want it anymore.” Just be careful that your child isn’t chewing off pacifier pieces, which could be a choking hazard.
2. Swap Soothing Items
“Try replacing the pacifier with something else that can give her security,” suggests Kate G. While a child may not instantly forget her pacifier, many moms found that alternative soothing items did eventually replace the pacifier. As Angela C. recalls: “I replaced the pacifier with a ‘sleep blanket’...The first couple of nights/naps she would cry for about 10 minutes, but her blanket against her face kept her warm and happy eventually.”
3. Gradually Reduce Use
While some moms advocate a cold-turkey approach to pacifier weaning, others like Meredith Z. find that gradually limiting pacifier usage is successful: “First, we limited pacifier usage to inside the house, then only to sleep time, then only to overnight, and then we said ‘let’s try bedtime without your bink just for tonight,’ and after the first night, he only asked for it once, and then he was totally fine. We just made sure we stuck to our rules, and let him be comfortable at each level before restricting bink usage more.”
4. The Dummy Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa
Another popular pacifier weaning tactic is to have a make-believe character reward the child for giving away their pacifiers. Sarah M., mother of two girls shares: “Say that the Dummy Fairy will come and take them and give them to new babies that need them. Then you leave a special ‘big girl’ present in the basket for them when they wake up.” Other moms, including Linnea F., use characters the kids already believe in: “My kids all gave theirs to the Easter Bunny for little ones who need binkies and don’t have them. This would also work with Santa. We still had some withdrawal cries, but it didn't last.”
5. Trade for Toys
Instead of having imaginative characters bring a child a reward, some moms advocate openly trading the pacifier for a prize. “Take her to Toys“R”Us and let her pick out a toy in exchange for the pacifier,” suggested Janice D. “It worked for me two times. You may have a few days that are a bit rough, but then it will be fine.” Other moms also had their child “pay” the cashier with a pacifier for the toy—just discuss this with the cashier in advance to make sure she’s game.
6. “Lose” It
After Melissa C. misplaced her daughter’s pacifier, she realized that simply pretending to lose it would be a good pacifier weaning strategy: “Maybe if you somehow ‘lose’ yours and have him help you look for it and don’t find it, it’ll let him know that you care enough to help him, even if you can't fix it.” Dawn D. used the same weaning tactic: “I just told her ‘we lost it’ and we’d look, but then she was OK with ‘we lost it’ and in two weeks she forgot all about it.”

Best of luck to all trying to 'lose the soother' by whatever means you choose!

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