Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday is swim day!

Friday is swim day in our house!

Ever since my little boy was 8 weeks old I introduced him to swimming, whenever I hear of tragedies where someone's angel was taken too soon as a result of drowning I firm my resolve to ensure that my children grow up to be strong, confident swimmers.

I used to be a good swimmer, but had a sailing accident a number of years ago, that understandably put me off water, but I can swim and I owe my little guy the chance to love the water and to always be able to take care of himself.

My apologies for drifting down that path - I love swim day! I only wish more pools were accessible for mums and babies after 1pm. Working in the morning and most other babies taking long afternoon naps means our local pools are not normally open to babies in the afternoon!

So when Friday rolls around it's a fun day (afternoon) we head to the pool for almost an hour of swim time fun. Each time I am amazed at the extra reserves of energy he shows and if they didn't close when they do - I am sure he'd stay much longer!

Whilst there are classes that can teach you and your baby various techniques and with safe guidance you can 'dunk' your baby - again they seem to be alluding us and in the mornings! However 2 to 3 years old is when proper swim lessons will be more appropriate - for now it is just fun time for us!

There is no right age to start swimming with your baby, depending on how sensitive to noise your little bundle is may depend on how soon you want to go, or whether you just pick the quiet times.

My boy has come a long way from our first dip where he clung to me with all his might, he now sits in a 'floatie' (I'd love to know the real name for this wonderful device) it has a rope line to it and I can swim and tow him at the same time and he doesn't mind the distance from me anymore!

We always make swim time like playing in a giant bath - with floating toys, making whooshing sounds and generally clapping and squealing! The life guards love his love of the water!

I know the life guards are great at the pool and very vigilant but I always make a point of saying hello - just so they see us and know where we are. (The first time I asked one stand by the edge of the pool the whole time we were there - I asked nicely and I got the feeling I wasn't the first 1st time mum she had encountered!)

It is important that you feel confident and so your baby feels your confidence too!

My least favourite time is the getting dry and dressed at the end when energy levels are depleted all round - I take a bottle, snacks & toys as a distraction, but I still find myself rushed by my fractious angel. I long for the summer when heading outside is not a cold blast and so there are less layers for baby and me!

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