Anyway - I keep lamenting my mistake when I had to go away for a few days and I took my then 5 month old daughter and she had to sleep in my suitcase, each night her sleeping got better until the last night she slept through!

In the busyness of getting back I didn't get time to unpack before bed the first night home and I just didn't think, I put her in her proper crib and she slept badly, somewhere in my sleep deprived haze my brain was unable to think of trying her in the case again!
Well fast forward ten months, sleep is still an issue, not as bad as the every 10/20 or at best 40 mins waking - I am a light sleeper so getting back to sleep was impossible! A few times that suitcase crossed my mind and then the other day I was going through some old photos and I saw one I had taken (on my phone still only digital, not printed) of her in the case and I so regret not having tried it!
Ho hum - one day she will be a teenager and not wanting to get out of bed - I know it, until then, I am functioning on v little sleep!
(No she is not a good napper either!)
((Yes - I have tried an insanely long list of options - just about everything except putting her in a case and now she is way too mobile for that option!))
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