Started a few Eastery activities round here!
Not easy doing any really complicated crafts with two under three....but we had a fun, messy time!
This was my first experience using dollar store craft kids and well the paint is basically dye and it was rather messey and difficult, perhaps a greater $ investment would have brought a better product, not dye based, who knows....but I will look into it more thoroughly for next time!
Our next project is to paint some Easter bunny money banks.... I am toying with the kids giving them as Easter gifts to the local women and kids brighten two little ones Easter break...?
Pictures to follow....
Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Money management for mini's
Ever since I was a wee one - money management was important to me...The first time I was allowed to cycle to the neighbouring town by myself (2.5 miles of fields away) I took the opportunity to open my own bank account! Spurred on by all the negative talk of these kids are eating us out of house and home. The rate these kids go through shoes we won't be able to buy food! That kind of thing that grown up folks never thought twice about saying... well it had an impact on me... let's not get into my feet and how they are brick shaped, but stay focused on the money side.
Because I genuinely feared for my parent's ability to keep a roof over my head - I felt I needed to take matters into my own hands and start saving - I used to be sad when my parent's cars were clean, no leaves had fallen and I could see no other way to make a buck (couldn't do a lemonade stand - what with being surrounded by field after field.. no people!) One time whilst my mother was scraping melon pips into the garbage I had a light bulb moment I planned to save them and put one a night under my pillow and dupe the tooth fairy into leaving 50pence a night! That would have been a good racket!
It is against this backdrop that I wish to make my own conversations and contributions to my children's understanding of how money comes into and goes out of our lives, but in so much more a healthy way!
Recently discussing this topic with a friend I got to find out that a tool I was hoping to find to help with this does actually exist - The Money Savvy Pig®

"Personal finance education needs to start young. How? With the same universally loved childhood toy, the piggy bank....but with a 21st century twist! The Money Savvy Pig piggy bank has four chambers, one for each of the four money management choices a child should be taught from the time they are small. They are SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, and INVEST. "
I am so excited and so getting a pink one and a blue one for my wee ones! I use a jar system and the kids know about the jars, but it is not as child friendly as I would choose, so this is fantastic! Excellent range of colours and great price of $17! (This is not sponsored - but I wouldn't say no to receiving a savvy pig that we could gift on!)
Friday, March 1, 2013
Suitcase sleeper
Anyway - I keep lamenting my mistake when I had to go away for a few days and I took my then 5 month old daughter and she had to sleep in my suitcase, each night her sleeping got better until the last night she slept through!

In the busyness of getting back I didn't get time to unpack before bed the first night home and I just didn't think, I put her in her proper crib and she slept badly, somewhere in my sleep deprived haze my brain was unable to think of trying her in the case again!
Well fast forward ten months, sleep is still an issue, not as bad as the every 10/20 or at best 40 mins waking - I am a light sleeper so getting back to sleep was impossible! A few times that suitcase crossed my mind and then the other day I was going through some old photos and I saw one I had taken (on my phone still only digital, not printed) of her in the case and I so regret not having tried it!
Ho hum - one day she will be a teenager and not wanting to get out of bed - I know it, until then, I am functioning on v little sleep!
(No she is not a good napper either!)
((Yes - I have tried an insanely long list of options - just about everything except putting her in a case and now she is way too mobile for that option!))
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