Depending on your own personality will depend on how you feel about this: after your little bundle arrives back home all your family, friends and neighbours will want to visit and meet your new addition.
For some this can be an overwhelming whirlwind of guest after guest and feeling an unnecessary need to keep you, baby and the house in visitor friendly status. Whilst you may wish instead to just cuddle up and absorb yourself in your baby's needs and work together to form some kind of 'routine' - I use this phrase lightly!
With this relaxed approach you can at least feed when your baby wants, sleep when/ if possible and not have to entertain.
I was lucky enough that the day we came home from the hospital it was a lovely warm spring day and we went straight to the garden and soaked up some fresh air (most welcome after being in the hospital) and our neighbours all got the chance to meet our little guy in one go, in the relaxed surroundings of the garden.
I'm not suggesting you have to have people over before you have even set foot in the door yourself, but it was a great (unplanned) way to introduce our bundle in one fell swoop. So perhaps post a note on your door when you are back inviting any neighbouring well wishes to a coffee on a set day and time that suits, doing something similar for family and friends (obviously not with a note on the door.)
Now when it comes to living overseas from your own immediate family, it poses another challenge .. fending off their eagerness to jump on a plane & meet your little one! In my case I had hoped for 2 or 3 months to get into the swing of things first, but I only managed to get just under 3 weeks to do so. I do understand the flip side that my parents were now grandparents to my gorgeous bundle and it was exciting, but I have decided if we are to be blessed with baby number two that I will have to insist on my way - perhaps the threat of moving into a hotel at an unknown location should an earlier than requested appearance take place, would possibly do the trick!
Take my advice if you want the help on hand - ask for it, if you don't insist that this be respected.
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