Ever since I was little I admired street artists and Guinness record breakers performing the art of plate spinning, years later my daily life feels just like that. I have many commitments up in the air.. trying manically to keep them all turning - a 2 yr old, a 1 year old, work, husband, animals and the house... Dashing to and fro, hoping to just keep them all turning!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sleep per chance to dream...

Well baby girl is 2 weeks off her first birthday and still wakes every two hours in the night...

I have tried most suggestions out there, but my biggest challenge is the noise disturbance for my son and how tired and cranky he is getting.

Whilst he is a two year old and people respond well he is two - he is only very occasionally a typical two year old.. most of the time when not extremely tired or pushed too far - he is a happy and communicative little boy!

But these days sometimes within an hour of getting up he is asking to go back to bed.. he doesn't go as I don't want to mess with his routine and it is just his way of complaining that he is tired. However it does put pressure on me - to ensure baby girl doesn't further disturb his sleep!

I know some moms just say their baby turned a corner at say 15months and started sleeping better! I just can't decide at this stage without a crystal ball whether I should be pushing on and ensuring she 'learns to sleep' or just keep going until she gets there in a nice gentle fashion on her her own! My concern is twelve months from now I will be blogging that she still doesn't know how to settle herself and she is having an even harder time than if I pushed her now!

Her brother started sleeping through at 5 months and apart from the odd transitional time, or like now - has been great at night! So I am stumped - my gut is not giving me a clear sign! Ho hum!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What my son and I made - One

Wednesday morning baby girl naptimes my son and I now make ahead meals for the freezer and each week I am going to share and hopefully inspire!

This week we made freezer frittata - this is a recipe for asparagus and potato, but as you can imagine you can easily exchange the veggies for your favourites, maybe include some cooked chicken - whatever you choose!

What I did yesterday slightly differently - I just used my largest bowl and lightly beat the all eggs, heavy cream/ whipping cream and seasoned - then once I had the potato and asparagus in the bags just poured it into each of the bags and voila half a dozen meals in the freezer - this works well for breakfast (can use cooked bacon), for lunch, even for dinner - or as a side for dinner!

We had a great time doing this - I only wish I had a learning tower well two would be fab as baby girl is super keen on getting involved and I am sure it won't be long before she drops her morning nap!

I have no idea what we will make next week but I am looking forward to sharing it with you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is it wrong that...

... I have only just noticed my image only represents me with one baby and my wee one at the time of the sketching is now just over two and my youngest who is now the baby of the family is nearly eleven months?

I rather like my image and am not sure it would work so well if it included in the picture the toddler at my ankles, well from this point you can assume the toddler is just out of shot.

Nothing else to say on this, but I love both my kids equally - just so we are clear! :)