You'd think with an extra day in it this year February would not have slipped by me so quickly, but with my parents visiting from overseas, work being record breakingly busy, laryngitis followed by strep throat and that was just me...
Our gorgeous son has been blighted with ear infections etc...
Oh well March is probably going to be fairly busy too - but I am so very excited for the projects we have on the horizon... this weekend for example we are collecting our rabbits. Two does and a buck.
Last year we failed to buy the buck and with me being on light duties during the latter part of my pregnancy I handed over care of the rabbits and well they got too fat to breed... so this will be our first foray in the full life cycle of our bunnies and hopefully we will keep the best of the best to continue on and on and on - with our own home grown meat source.. but more on this later.
Exciting times ahead!